August 13, 2010

Repost From Anca

1.Where is your cell phone?
somewhere....... confiscated by my dad :/

2. Relationship
single. hehe hehe

3. Your hair?
loooooooooooooooong (dari hongkong)

4. Work?
one of the students at SMAN 38 JAkarta

5. Your sisters?

6. Your favorite thing?
kitkat (puasa del puasa)

7. Your dream last night?
him :p

8. Your favorite drink?
aqua air kencing kuda. yucks

9. Your dream car?
vw scirocco

10. Your shoes?
lagi nyeker nih

11. Your fears?
slime. e youhhhh *cinlau's style*

12. What do you want to be in 10 years?
have my own clothing label. amen

13. Who did you hang out with last week?
my bestfriends!

14. What are you not good at?
draw anything. poor me

15. One of your wishlist item?

16. Where you grew up?
lenteng agung timur 42.

17. Last thing you did?

18. What are you wearing?
seragam jumat.

19. Your computer?

20. Your pet?
baby cheetah. i wish.....

21. Your life?

22. Missing?
him. of course

23. What are you thinking right now?
ada yg mau ngasih gua lubitel 166 gak?

24. Your car?
i dont have my own car. my dad has it.

25. Your kitchen?

26. Your favorit color?

27. Last time you laugh?
2 hours ago

28. Last time you cried?
yesterday -__-

29. Love?

30. So who wants to share their ONEs? how about?

31. Person selected to the tag: